Modia Minotaur

Trawling the airwaves to spare you the agony!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Miranda Devine Turns Comical Ali

I've tried to avoid giving Miranda Devine's article on the factional turmoil within the NSW Liberals any more space than it deserves - mainly for the reason that, despite my firm belief that to ignore the opinions and methods of the enemy is to surrender the ability to defeat that enemy, I honestly don't believe her constituency or influence are particularly large. When it comes down to it, just as few people are authentically far-Right wing as are authentically far-Left. Instead, the Devines of the world function in much the same way as do horror movies - to provoke a momentary thrill, to get the heart pumping and the anger raging, but to do very little beyond that.

To spare you the pain of reading the article, Devine's essential thesis is this: the right wing junta currently consuming the NSW Liberals is nothing more than a perfectly reasonable reaction to the phenomenon of political correctness inflicted on the world by the Left. Thus, it's only right to allow the poor petals who have had to hide away their homophobia and racism for all these years to let it rip now.

Defending the indefensible only makes the defender look sillier and out of touch, something reflected in the reaction to this article. Moreover, the fact that it is not only from the usual opponents but members of the Liberal Party's own constituency joining the outcry demonstrates the real electoral danger in such a combative attitude.

No, Miranda - and for that matter, no, Christian Kerr of Crikey. The current goings on of the Clarke faction are not merely `activists who want to play hardball '. They're a very real threat to genuine democracy (you know, that thing we're always trying to franchise to the Middle East and Asia), that exists across the Australian political spectrum. And that's bad new for everyone, not just the Liberal Party.

Now that the rat is out of the bag, the focus should now turn to defeating the problem. To this end, September's Fabian Society meeting - themed `Are Factions Destroying the Labor Party' - will be a significant one.